Werkt momenteel met Naam Plaats Website Jachthaven Scharendijke | Gemeente Schouwen-Duiveland Jachthaven Scharendijke, Ankerweg, Scharendijke, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, Nederland, 4322 ED, Nederland
Certificaten Name Number Valid till EMCI maritime practitioner | full certified Harbourmaster EMCI.HARBOURMASTER.EMCI MARITIME PRACTITIONER | FULL CERTIFIED.J.-VAN OEVEREN.2008-03-01.7O7Q6R 2025-01-01 EMCI maritime practitioner of excellence EMCI maritime practitioner of excellence EMCI.EMCI MARITIME PRACTITIONER OF EXCELLENCE.EMCI MARITIME PRACTITIONER OF EXCELLENCE.J.-VAN OEVEREN.2012-01-01.5D2I3M 2025-01-01
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