Henk Hop is a partner in Taxand Belgium, which is AB Taxand, and leads our Taxand VAT Compliance team. He is a specialist in international VAT supply chain and compliance optimisation. He has over 20 years’ experience advising clients on international VAT issues and has a proven track record of saving money for clients.
Before joining the Belgium Taxand practice, Henk was an indirect tax partner with Arthur Andersen and Deloitte in the Netherlands. He started his professional career as a VAT inspector with the Dutch tax authorities in 1986. Henk is a regular speaker at seminars and conferences and has written many publications in tax magazines regarding topical VAT issues. He is a guest teacher at the University of Rotterdam (EFS) and also lectures for the Dutch Association of Tax Advisors (SOB). Henk is a member of the VAT Specialist Committee of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisors (NOB) and also a member of the Tax Advisory Committee to one of the major political parties in Dutch Parliament. He holds a Master Degree in Law from the University of Utrecht and is a Certified Tax Lawyer.