Certification scopes & (sub)types
Version: August 2016 |
1. Scopes (types) |
- Maritime broker | broker barges & houseboats
- Maritime broker | shipbroker
- Maritime broker | yachtbroker
- Marinesurveyor | yachtsurveyor
- Harbourmaster | yachtharbourmaster
- Maritime arbitrator
- Maritime mediator
- Maritime specialist (*)
2. Honorary practitioners (*) |
- Honorary practitioner | broker barges & houseboats
- Honorary practitioner | harbourmaster
- Honorary practitioner | shipbroker
- Honorary practitioner | yachtbroker
- Honorary practitioner | yachtsurveyor
3. Practitioners of excellence (*) |
- Practitioner of excellence | broker barges & houseboats
- Practitioner of excellence | harbourmaster
- Practitioner of excellence | shipbroker
- Practitioner of excellence | yachtbroker
- Practitioner of excellence | yachtsurveyor
4. Subtypes (specialisms) for brokers (**) |
- Broker | cargadoor
- Broker | commercial cruiseliners & passenger vessels
- Broker | commercial fishing ships
- Broker | commercial fleet & crew management
- Broker | commercial inland vessels
- Broker | commercial cargo & freight ships
- Broker | commercial offshore vessels
- Broker | commercial shipbuilding & construction
- Broker | dredgers
- Broker | historic vessels
- Broker | mega yachts
- Broker | motorboats
- Broker | naval vessels
- Broker | sailingboats
- Broker | motorsailors
- Broker | yacht charters
- Broker | yacht management
- Broker | yachtbuilding & construction
5. Subtypes (specialisms) for surveyors (**) |
- Surveyor | insurance related surveys, investigations & reporting
- Surveyor | sale / purchase surveys & reporting
- Surveyor | charter yachts
- Surveyor | historic ships
- Surveyor | mega yachts
- Surveyor | motorboats
- Surveyor | sailingboats
- Surveyor | motorsailors
6. General subtypes (specialisms) (***) |
- Specialist | ABYC standards
- Specialist | Brazilian maritime industry
- Specialist | CE rules & EU directive 94/25/EC
- Specialist | concrete yachts, barges, houseboats, building, repair, restauration
- Specialist | electrical installations
- Specialist | gas installations
- Specialist | insurance
- Specialist | legal expert wittness & reporting
- Specialist | lubricant analysis
- Specialist | maintenance processes & procedures
- Specialist | maritime (e)marketing
- Specialist | maritime education, training & examination
- Specialist | maritime lawyer / sollicitor | Croatian law
- Specialist | maritime lawyer / sollicitor | Dutch law
- Specialist | maritime photographer
- Specialist | maritime publisher
- Specialist | MCA regulations
- Specialist | NZ - AUS standards
- Specialist | osmosis
- Specialist | polyester yachts, yachtbuilding, repair, restauration
- Specialist | prevention, repair and detection of electrolysis & galvanic corrosion
- Specialist | propulsion & propellor systems
- Specialist | representative maritime professional body
- Specialist | RINA class rules
- Specialist | security
- Specialist | steel yachts, yachtbuilding, repair, restauration
- Specialist | strengthened synthetics / plastics
- Specialist | VAT
- Specialist | webdesign & construction
- Specialist | wooden yachts, yachtbuilding, repair, restauration
7. Subtypes (international languages) (**) |
- Chinese / Mandarin
- English
- French
- German
- Russian
- Spanish
(*) Only available for professionals recommended by the ICC Council or a professional body or at the discretion of GNG | EMCI Register.
(**) Registered at the own discretion of the EMCI practitioner. EMCI Register hold the right to refuse the registration application or to revoke a registered specialism. |
(***) EMCI practitioner must show proof of evidence, f.i. a certificate of education or training, or the EMCI practitioner is recommended by the ICC Council or a professional body or is registered at the discretion of GNG / EMCI Register. |
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